Bridget Riley @ Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, Netherlands

Bridget Riley was recently awarded the Sikkens Prize and in honour of her win the Gemeentemuseum in the Hague, Netherlands is putting on an exhibition of her work.

Riley will create a special mural for the exhibition that will be almost 25m long.  In addition to the new work, a further room will house a selection of her early work through to some of her most recent pieces.

Entrance to the Gemeentemuseum is €13.50 and the museum is open Tuesday to Sunday 11am to 5pm.  The exhibition will run until the 1st June 2013.


Stadhouderslaan 41

2517 HV Den Haag

The Netherlands

Bridget Riley @ Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, Netherlands by

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