Maryland Primary II

Maryland Primary II

It’s that family time of year, so we thought it would be nice for Christmas to return to the pupils of Maryland Primary School in London to show some of the final pieces from their Op Art project.  The junior Op Artists here are all 4 years old.

Each piece is shown alongside the Bridget Riley work it was based on.  The italic text is a description from Dale (the teacher who helped the children to create the pieces).

Movement in Squares

“We made ‘Movement in Squares’ by cutting squares of black sugar paper and sticking on to white paper.  The children cut strips from the squares, making them progressively smaller.”

Movement in Squares
Bridget Riley
Movement in Squares

Composition with Circles

“We recreated ‘Composition with Circles’ using a cup to print with black paint.”

Composition with Circles 5 Bridget Riley 2005
Composition with Circles 5

Shadow Play

“Shadowplay was made on a large scale.  Every child drew around a template on to a colour of their choice.  They then cut them out and we assembled a whole class picture.”


“Fall’ was created by cutting our own stencils, then drawing around them numerous times to create the repeating pattern.”

Fall Bridget Riley 1963 Emlusion on Board 141 x 140.5 cm

Two Blues

“We created 2 blues by cutting shapes from 2 different shades of blue and arranging them on white paper. 2 oranges was our version of 2 blues.  We printed different shades of orange and arranged them in to a whole class ‘fire’ picture for bonfire night.”

Two Blues Bridget Riley 2003 Screenprint in colours 54.6 x 53.3 cm
Two blues

Thanks once again to Dale, Lorraine and all the children of Maryland Primary School for making this project happen and Happy Christmas to everybody!